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Tuesday 13 November 2012

Man, 48 year-old caught having sex with a dog

There was drama at Highfield Walling Company along High Glen road on Saturday afternoon when a 48-year-old widower was caught red-handed having unprotected sex with a dog.
The sex-starved Emmanuel Maphosa Mupfutisi, was caught pants down around 4:00 pm getting it on with a dog. Maphosa – a security guard at the premise – was caught by one of his workmates in the act who alerted authorities, leading to his arrest
The witness, Blessing Bhiri said he heard the dog making some funny noises prompting him to check and came across the bizarre incident.
“….and that’s when I went there to see what was going on and saw that Maphosa was having sex with the dog. I then ran and alerted my colleagues to bear witness and we confronted him and he ran away saying nothing was happening,” said Bhiri.
Maphosa was reportedly caught red-handed while his trousers had been lowered to knee-level holding the dog by its waist. Witnesses also found dog furs all over his private parts and his trousers when careful scrutiny was made.
“At first we never believed it. He was with his trousers down. When he saw us he denied the act. We then scrutinized his trousers and manhood” said another eyewitness Logan Maisiri.
Our news crew indeed saw the dog furs. His close friend Regai Bwanya said they had spent the whole day discussing sexual issues and this might have led Maphosa to give a dog ‘a piece of human sexual taste’. Interestingly, Bwanya said Maphosa have often admired the victimized bitch, alleging that it is now on ‘heat’.
In an interview, Maphosa denied the allegations but later admitted secretly saying it’s unfortunate that he did not not rape a person. He latter admitted to the public after being thoroughly beaten.
Defending his act, Maphosa, who had the real ‘doggy style’ said people are rotting in prisons after raping minors. However, if his case is to be made a police report, he will face a bestiality charge which carries a custodial sentence. While he claimed that he didn’t rape, it would however, be much to the excitement of the public if he is to prove that the dog consented.
“Ah, I don’t have a wife and If I go to jail now who will take care of my minor child who is 3 years old?” said Maphosa.
Asked why he had unprotected sex, the adamant, Maphosa said a dog does not have a sexually transmitted disease.
“This is my dog and it does not go outside and there is no need of putting on a condom,” said Maphosa who originally comes from Masvingo in Zimuto.

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